The company had 7.5 million active customers in the third quarter, a three-month period in which the company netted it more than $1.9 billion in revenue, it said last month. The Berlin-based company has a global reach, operating in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the U.K.

Compare the calories to your recipe card. "PETA is calling on everyone, including HelloFresh, to stop buying canned coconut milk from Thailand until moneys are no longer used and abused for profit." I use myfitnesspal and 95 of the time the recipes are in the app, you just have to search for 'hellofresh' + the exact recipe name. "Monkeys are chained around the neck and forced to toil day in and day out, all for HelloFresh and other companies that lack a conscience," Tracy Reiman, PETA's executive vice president, claimed Monday in an emailed statement. Most of the monkeys are kidnapped from their families in nature, even though the species exploited by the coconut trade are threatened or endangered, according to the animal-welfare group.